Freight Collab Code of Conduct and Ethics

Published On March 23, 2023, • Paarou Inc.

As a member of the Freight Collab digital freight collaboration platform, we expect you to uphold the following code of conduct and ethics:

  1. Be courteous and respectful to all other members of the platform.
  2. Be an active participant in the network by engaging in discussions, sharing knowledge, and contributing to the platform’s success.
  3. Be honest and transparent in all your interactions with other members and the platform’s administrators.
  4. Respond to freight enquiries within one working day, providing your best freight rate and accurate information.
  5. Respond to messages from other members within one working day.
  6. Maintain the confidentiality of any sensitive information shared on the platform.
  7. Do not engage in activities that could harm the platform or its members, including spamming, phishing, or spreading malware.
  8. Report any suspicious or unethical behaviour to the platform’s administrators.
  9. If you cannot comply with this code of conduct and ethics, your membership may be suspended or terminated without notice.

By becoming a Freight Collab member, you agree to abide by this code of conduct and ethics and help us create a safe, supportive, and collaborative platform for everyone.

We are working tirelessly to bring future technology to the freight forwarding, shipping, and logistics industry. Stay tuned.

Freight Collab powered by Paarou, Inc. Middletown, DE, USA, 19709

Freight Collab

The World Language of Freight 

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