How does it work?

Freight Collab is an online freight collaboration platform that connects you with global Freight Forwarding, Shipping, NVOCCs and Logistics companies.

Freight Collab gives you a user friendly dashboard for all your freight collaboration and networking.

It enables you to present your company to the digital world of freight, connect with new Freight Forwarding and logistics companies, exchange enquiries, compare rates, make digital agreements, communicate, collaborate and share documents, all through your Freight Collab dashboard.

How does it work?

How does Freight Collab help Freight Forwarders and Logistics companies?

Freight Forwarders and Logistics companies organize the shipping, transportation, and logistics part of the international trade by using carriers and their agents’ facilities. They also provide all related services like customs brokerage, packing, storage, trade documentation, and many more.

Since Freight forwarders and Logistics companies use 3rd parties’ facilities to perform their services, their job involves lots of communication, collaboration, information, and document sharing between multiple parties.

Freight forwarders and Logistics companies should communicate and collaborate appropriately with their foreign agents (they are also freight forwarders and Logistics companies) to perform freight forwarding services outside of their country. Any miscommunication or poor collaboration with foreign agents can affect the quality of service that freight forwarders perform.

FFAC  (Freight Forwarding Agency Collaboration) is a term that includes all communication, collaboration, and document sharing between freight forwarders about freight and service rate enquiries, agreements, shipment handling, and payments. 

FFAC  naturally is challenging since it is a business-to-business activity between companies that are not in the same country and most of the time do not speak the same language.  Other challenges are the variations in logistics, regular practices and terminologies, time zone differences, and on-time updates about shipment events and status in different countries.

Freight forwarders must use appropriate communication and collaboration tools for FFAC  to minimize these challenges.

The most common tools used by freight forwarders for FFAC are email and instant messaging applications like WhatsApp, WeChat, Skype, etc. For every single shipment, freight forwarders exchange around 50 emails and instant messages with their foreign agents to prepare the best rate and eventually get a shipment done. 

Organizing and managing scattered information and documents in emails and instant messaging applications need lots of manual works that reduce productivity and increase mistakes and errors. This fact makes handle a considerable number of inquiries and shipments challenging.

Additionally, unstructured communication tools like email and instant messaging applications cannot provide clear visibility on the process and neither valuable business reports.

Freight Collab is an online collaborative freight forwarding agency platform that makes global Freight Forwarding Agency Collaboration (FFAC) scalable, organized, and productive

Freight Collab enables freight forwarders to exchange enquiries, make agreements, share documents, and communicate with their agents in an online collaborative platform.

It helps freight forwarders to scale and organize their agency activities and collaborate with their agents for a large number of enquiries and shipments without losing track of them.

Also, in Freight Collab, all documents, information, and communication about each enquiry or shipment saved and organized in its related enquiry or shipment files that makes retrieving the information or documents very simple.

Freight Collab brings clear visibility to FFAC of users by providing an overview of enquiries and shipments status and a shared view between each two freight forwarders and providing comprehensive business reports about users’ FFAC activity. 

Freight forwarders should register in the Freight Collab application and invite their agents. upon confirmation of invitations, they can enjoy FFAC in the Freight Collab platform.

Freight Collab makes freight forwarders strengthen their relationship and help them use each other’s maximum potential to develop more business opportunities.

We are working tirelessly to bring future technology to the freight forwarding, shipping, and logistics industry. Stay tuned.

Freight Collab powered by Paarou, Inc. Middletown, DE, USA, 19709

Freight Collab

The World Language of Freight 

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